Saturday, 3 March 2018

Lost (independent poetry )

There's a moment
A moment of rush
As I stare into the space
A moment of rush
Hormones racing
Pulse throbbing
Voices howling inside of me
The distant waves lash out
At the rocks, and I watch
I watch from a distance
I hesitate, I stop
I move back
One step at a time
I listen to the rustling of the trees
I embraced the cold and swift breeze
And I surged, slowly
And slowly, my arms wide
Right foot and then left
Left and right
A thump on the roof
A smooth jump and I
I took my last step and I flew
And travelled into the blue
The waves aren't lashing anymore
And it's serene
No I'm not drowning anymore
I'm lost in the rush
In the deep blue sea
Where I can no longer see red
I'm lost in the serene
Where I can no longer be dead
A moment of rush has stopped
And now my palace is pristine
I'm not drowning, no
Im simply lost in the deep 

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