Wednesday, 21 March 2018

To My Daughter

My dear charming daughter,
We can’t afford to be feminists.
If the neighbors should ever see you,
With all your male friends,
Rumors will fly, no matter how baseless.  

My dear beautiful daughter,
We can’t afford to be feminists.
If a stranger should ever harass you,
While pointing at your denim shorts,
Your brother will call you shameless.

My dear honest daughter,
We can’t afford to be feminists.
If your boyfriend should ever hit you,
Instead of hunting him down,
Your father will call you tactless.

My dear outgoing daughter,
We can’t afford to be feminists.
In a club if someone ever groped you,
People will indifferently ask
Why were you so reckless?

My dear lion-hearted daughter,
We can’t afford to be feminists.
Perhaps I am not as strong as you,
I only see our anonymous sisters on tv,
And the criminals who also remain nameless.

My dear naïve daughter,
We can’t afford to be feminists.
This is something I must drill into you,
Women still revolve around men,
The men who are still are ruthless.

My dear liberal daughter,
We can’t afford to be feminists.
This is the only way I can protect you,
Please try to be quiet and invisible,
Or else as a mother, I am useless.

My dear feminist daughter,
we can’t afford to be feminists.
No book or lecture will protect you,
From a determined evil man,
All their efforts are fruitless.


  1. These sounds like a response to my poem 'Dirty linens'!

    1. Omg Yes! Now that I think of it!!! We should make a connected universe of out poems, of the hardships of women...
