Saturday, 3 March 2018

Masculinity 101

I am not here to tell you to love your kid
though I really hope you do.
He really won’t love himself
unless you love yourself too.

80’s glorified Rambo and the Terminator,
hypermasculinity became the new norm.
Schwazeneggar and Stallone demanded men
to look like Greek Gods,
kids were taking steroids in every dorm.

Broad chest, six packs, arms that can lift a fiat,
they’ll constantly tell him to be a 
‘manly man’.
Fist on the wall, he’ll scream really hard,
let his tears trickle down his face and 
not fry his emotions in a pan.

While millions of Adonises 
collect likes on social media, 
you tell him 
muscles will never be the mark of masculinity.
Really hear what he has to say, dont just listen,
teach him to embrace his own sensitivity.

Expose your dark side to him,
let the light slide in through those cracks.
The insecurities you harboured as a man
will dissolve,
He will emulate the person 
you become
so dont fall back.

You in all your enoughness,
teach him that he’s enough too.
Real men aren’t afraid of losing a job,
or the new life their wife is trying to brew.

He’s not your dream project project,
you might want to stop.
Why is your childlikeness appreciated,
when his childishness is not?

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