Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Grim polity

Oh my! Granny,
What big eyes you have!

Better to see my constituents with, my dear.

Oh my! Granny,
What big nose you have!

Better to smell opportunity with, my dear.

Oh my! Granny,
What big fangs you have!

Better to flash at the reporters, my dear.

Oh my! Granny,
What long nails you have!

Better to count your money with, my dear.

Oh my! Granny,
What great fur you have!

Better to stay warm at campaigns, my dear.

Oh my! Granny,
What loud voice you have!

Better to drown your's with, my dear.


  1. I love Grimm's fairy tales and I absolutely love how you used the wolf in Granny's clothing as a metaphor for a politician. I really enjoyed this poem!!

  2. Fairy Tale of the politics. I enjoyed reading it, really. :)

  3. Funny. And well done with the Red-Riding Hood reference. Have you read Agha Shahid Ali's "The Wolf’s Postscript to ‘Little Red Riding Hood’" and "An Interview with Red Riding Hood, Now No Longer Little". You will certainly enjoy it.

    But isn't the manipulative, deceiving politician the first surface-level thought with regard to 'politics'? Running the risk of a done-and-dusted cliché? Also because the poem formally holds no surprise at the end, we remain with the same persona since the first couple of lines. It's like you've read the poem, if you've read the first few lines. Granny is a monster. Yes, we get it. Play with the readers' expectations and exceed them or turn them around. Don't go for the first thought and remain there. Dig deeper than 'Grim Polity' for the 'political poem'. Think more carefully about the political landscape, about how politics seeps into our lives, in its minutiae. How it affects you. Then string a more unique poem that only you can write. Since it will draw upon your experience, your way of looking at the world, your details. Do you get what I am saying?
