Wednesday 31 January 2018

A Love Poem for A Past Lover

My breath splits 

at the tip of your nose,

slips down your cheekbones, 

My gasps vanish

between the gaps in your teeth 

I recount, 

As you push your face into mine, 

And scavenge for magic in my mouth, 

how our lips locked so well yesterday

and today, 

as you wave my tongue

like it was created 

for your consumption,

your appetite bobs off my face

like a ball of oil trying to dive in water. 

I wonder

if it were my lips that changed their shape

or your intentions, 

your frenzies 

or my apprehensions? 

I wonder  

if you realize the lump in your throat 

is a lie I keep choking on, 

and that my lips 

don't belong to you

just because you have touched them 
with your lips before.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

On Love

How normal
How normal Is it to love
And get back more than you give

To explain
And to digest the forgiveness

To water
And to see growth too soon

To never get to wait
To never get to hover
To never be patient
To miss too little

How painfully normal.

Friday 26 January 2018

Too done with this

Too done with this 

The time when it all began
I had the feeling of this time being the best.
I took my first step. I ran.  
It was innocent for all I can think of. It was a zing.  
But to sum up what we had was nothing more than child's play.  
Pretty easy to say that it was a mere display                                                                                                                      Of affection,                                                                                                                                                           
something that felt good. It built my confidence. 
Ok. Alright. It was easier then.  
I was still learning. Experiencing. 
Figuring out the what, how and when.  
Very impulsively did I walk Out.  
We were friends even after that and we still talk.                                                                                                        
It's cool whatever happened.                                                                                                                                  
Friendly feelings are true now and as white as a piece of chalk. 
I am done with this 
Skipping ahead with all the time I had
Coping up with the new curriculum, things got tough.
Marks got bad.  
Aah those dreadful sums.  Fuck you to date.  
Two years later, got to know this girl. The sister of a mate. 
Gosh she was pretty.  
One year in and everything with you was shitty.  
It was the long distance, for God's sake why? 
The love was warm and wet and fresh The space between us got dry.  
You cheated.                                                                                                                                                                            A big WHY?                                                                                                                                                                      
Were you done? 
I had been a foolish child in one.  But never felt defeated.  
This was easier to let go.  
Get out was my gesture for you.  
Baah humbug. Never mind, I won't make the same mistake again.  
Glad, I am soo done with this

Exactly a year later.  I met another girl.  
Ohh the way she spoke and all that chitter chatter 
Was enough to make my toes curl.  
We made contact, strangely slow but fast too.  
And soon enough all smooth moves were made to woo  
We became immensely comfortable pretty soon.  
Our affection was off the charts, our love bloomed.  
It got really hard for me to articulate how I felt and what I went through with you by my side.  
It was a better version of love. A better guide.                                                                                                           More mature with a hint of childishness.  
Of course, the things with you were light and dark 
But ain't as easy as a walk in the park.  
I'm still thirsty. I'm still not done with you.  
Exploring something new each day 
Some too much, some little and few. 
Even though you'll eventually read this Or probably won't 
These are mere raw words, a list.  
One shouldn't read much into this. Don't. 
I don't know what's next. It's been 4 years. 
With the worst and the best 
Of you. Of us. With you. 
No matter how our ends meet, I'd like you to stay...a little longer.  
As they say that our fight won't be easy. We know.                                                                                                  Love, we ought to become stronger.   

Coz even after all of this  Loyalty, understanding, commitment, and love. We can't be.                                            Each other is something we can't have.                                                                                                                              
I won't behave.  
But I might not act out 
Coz I'll be too done with this.  

                                                    - Shayan Rahman         

Thursday 25 January 2018

Half of You

Bones, mere bones.
Hollow insides,
cowering toes,
retreating hands,
mad, mad woes.
I make up only half of you.

Plastic bodies,
burn with a stench,
melt into the dark night,
a wistful sham,
smoke and smoke.
Half of you,
halves my body in bloom,
I wither like the unloved flowers do.

Electric and static, 
the love grows,

for Infidels who own guns, 
and their silver bullets puncture livers,
the bile of melancholia, 
spills on. 
Lover, oh lover! 
Must you always win? 

I find your teeth marks
on another's skin. 
That night, 
I slept with eyes open. 
how I abhor your smiling face,
the stinking nerves of a shallow male ;
I go sick and blue, 
remembering the half truths, 
the half heart, 
the half I had of you. 

I buried half a body,
I marred it with a knife first,  
I loved like cancer cells must. 

And tonight,
all your foul parts,
the foul mouth, the foul arms,
the hands, the legs
the warm neck ;
The jugular vein of a vain man,
I shall cut.
I will not make you up.

Of Love

build me a vocabulary,
of love.
a hot bath.
lover’s balmy wrath.

build me a vocabulary,
poetry for bad mood.
beloved’s tasted food.

build me a vocabulary,
linen sheets in a messy room.
a young bride waiting for groom.

build me a vocabulary,
of love.
sniffing beloved’s woolen glove.
a vocabulary,
pushed past love.

Wednesday 24 January 2018


Somewhere between a Thursday and a Monday,
I stopped giggling at your compliments
and started cackling and snorting at your stories.

Somewhere between a winter and a spring,
my heart stopped racing at your touch
and you instead learned how to calm down my nerves.

Somewhere between June and September,
you stopped gazing at my lips with desire
and started deciphering them for inside jokes.

Somewhere between my birthday and our anniversary,
you stopped buying me roses and chocolates
and started buying me pens when I ran out of ink.

Somewhere between an appetizer and a dessert,
we stopped gazing into each other’s eyes
and realized how expensive everything on the menu was.

Somewhere between Eid and Diwali,
We stopped kissing each other's bruises
and started carrying Band-aids for each other.


It is forbidden to enter
here. It is forbidden to jump
the fence, run
to the forest, the river, the mud 
that makes you, a tiger a snake 
a hungry pair of eyes. It is forbidden
to crawl into the dirt, to shudder
with the earth, to be red swollen and ripe and
burst with seeds like howls to boil
like frothing waterfalls. It is forbidden to birth rivers of breath, squeeze milk
from the moon, to make stars
dizzy-dance like fireflies,
to glow with forbidden light.